Inspired by the popular reality television series, 30 Seconds to Fame, the youth in Pastor Goh Yock Kiang’s (YK) Zone put together their very own school holiday outreach event, Sixty Seconds of Fame. Held on 5 September at the Jurong West auditorium, nine contestants were selected to showcase, within 60 seconds, their unique talents to the 1,000-strong audience.
The aspiring stars pulled out all the stops during the audition rounds. Talents on display included singing, dancing and live painting on stage. Some of the performances were so impressive that the judges had a difficult time choosing the top nine performances for the final round.
To bolster their confidence, the finalists had their own supporters who arrived by the busloads to lend their support. The atmosphere was electrifying as the finalists came on stage one by one to perform.
Evelyn, Pearlynn and Merrien, who won the competition with their fancy footwork, brought down the house with their hip-hop dance item. Coming in a close second was Moen Teo, who amazed the crowd with his unique yo-yo routine.
PHOTOS: Daniel Poh |
The two winning acts received $100 and $50 shopping vouchers respectively. After the compelling performances Zone Supervisor Joseph Ang, shared an inspiring message entitled The Original Dream, which captured the audience’s full attention.
The crowning moment of this immensely successful event was when 61 new friends gave their hearts to Christ during the altar call. It goes to show that creativity and conversion do go hand in hand.