A group of mothers form a support group to help expectant and first-time mothers through the journey of motherhood.
Contributed By Fong Ching Hui
When it comes to care, mothers know best. In May this year, four mothers in City Harvest Church, under the pastoral care of district pastor Wu Yuzhuang, started a mothers’ support group for expectant mothers, some of whom are expecting for the first time.
“There are a lot pregnant and new mothers in the zone that I am overseeing. I felt that it would be good if there was some form of support for them within the zone, so that they can draw from the experience of other mothers,” said Wu. He rallied a group of four mothers, Shannon Lee, Wendy Goh, Sherrie Yap and Irene Ho, to take on this initiative. The mothers met to brainstorm activities and programs to engage the new mothers, and some of the ideas they came up with were activities such as home visits, talks, gatherings, as well as volunteer-matching of seasoned moms and new moms—a buddy system of sorts.
The aim of the mother’s support group is to render practical and emotional support to new mothers by sharing parenting tips and nuggets of wisdom that one can’t get from books. The moms who have “been there, done that” can also impart skills on care-giving for newborns and address any concern that a new mom might have.
The group also developed a simple booklet titled “The Mother’s Support Group Survival Kit,” a compilation of very detailed information on topics like monitoring baby’s monthly growth and development, a checklist for baby necessities, tips on breastfeeding, things to bring to hospital before baby is born, a contact list of confinement ladies, post-natal masseurs and more. All the information in the kit is drawn from the group’s accumulated experience over the years.
Besides the booklet, the group has also started a Facebook group that serves as a platform for mothers to express their thoughts and raise questions, allowing other mothers to provide insight on a given situation.
Said Chng Hui Min, one of the volunteer mothers, “Joining the mother’s support group enables me to make a difference in the lives of other mothers, especially new mothers who need a lot of emotional support. Being in the support group also gives me the chance to network with other more experienced mothers and share our parenting experiences.”
Another volunteer mother, Joyce Lim, found that more often than not, the issues faced are common to most mothers. She said, “Whether you are a working mom or a stay-home mom, motherhood introduces many changes into your life. While children bring lots of joy into our lives, they can also be very challenging and trying at times. Having family and friends who understand what you are going through helps. I hope this support group will provide a good platform for mothers to network, share experiences and support one another, so that we can each enjoy motherhood to the fullest.”
In time to come, the mother’s support group hopes to reach out to mothers in the community through referral and word of mouth.
Join WYZ – Mothers Support Group on Facebook. Contact reneho97@yahoo.com if you would like to be part of this group.