City Harvest Church held a graduation party for Primary 6 students to help them integrate into their new cell groups.
Contributed By Peter Hua
Prior to yet another fun-filled event held at Jurong West Street 91, the chattering of children ushered in an atmosphere of excitement. Led by City Harvest Church’s zone supervisor, Lee Yi Lun, the Primary 6 church-wide graduation party served to mark the beginning of their teenage years in secondary school.
The children, who arrived in their chartered buses, swarmed in as early as 11 a.m. on Saturday morning to the church premises. Youth leaders involved in the party dressed up colorfully in contemporary fashion and were all smiles as they welcomed the children. Anticipation lurked among the crowd as props were prepared and the eager smiles were seen on the faces of the students. “I wanted a party like this after my exams,” shrieked 12-year-old Vivian Thng, who just completed her Primary School Leaving Examinations.
The event began with engaging icebreaker games that created a vibrancy and excitement that lasted throughout the party. Games such as Chicken and Egg resulted in lots of laughter among the participants as they went around playing the game with their friends. There was also a hamburger-eating competition which saw the children cheering loudly for their teams. It was a hilarious moment as each contestant wolfed down the burgers amidst the yells of their onlookers. It was evident that everyone was keen to enjoy a good time of fun regardless of the competition outome.
The meeting continued with praise and worship as worship leaders and musicians in their teens led the crowd in song. As the children sang passionately with their voices raised, one could sense a tangible presence of God in the room. There was an unmistakable sense of boldness and fervency among them as hands were lifted up, yearning for more of God in their lives.
Thereafter, Lim Meng Chin, an assistant pastor in CHC, shared the Word and encouraged them to pursue three areas: loving God wholeheartedly; acquiring a positive attitude in life; and exceling in education. Lim particularly highlighted importance of education by illustrating the power of analysis and communication. It was a timely reminder for the young students to remember their place in God as they enter into a new phase of their life in secondary school.
At the end of the meeting, a special buffet was catered and the children enjoyed a time of fellowship with their newly allocated cell groups. Jodie Goh, 22, a cell group leader shared, “The response was overwhelming, especially this year where the hall was packed with children. I believe many of them will be integrated into youth cell groups effectively.”