Kong Hee Podcast offers listeners short teachings on spiritual matters by the senior pastor of City Harvest Church. Our writer shares her experience with the podcast and highlights her favourites.
“Hello, this is Pastor Kong Hee. I want to thank you for joining us on our podcast. I pray that you will be blessed in Christ, encouraged by the Word, and experience an encounter with God. Remember, knowing God and being known by Him is the greatest pursuit of life. Enjoy the message!”
This is the greeting you will hear when you tune in to Kong Hee Podcast. Since 11 March 2021, Pastor Kong has been sharing short messages, ranging from eight to 16 minutes, on a variety of Christian issues on his social media platforms. You can now access some of these messages easily on his new podcast channel.
What captivated me the most was Pastor Kong’s three-part series on healing. Here are some of the questions Pastor Kong answered in the series, along with what I personally learned.
“The Bible says that God is a Healer. His desire to heal is clearly revealed in one of His redemptive names, Jehovah Rapha, which means ‘I am the God who heals you, ‘I am the Lord your Physician, your Doctor’,” shared Pastor Kong.
I learned that healing is the nature and character of God. He doesn’t just want to forgive all our sins, He also wants to heal all our sicknesses. Even though we don’t see God healing every single sick person in the Bible, we know that all who came to Him, asking for healing were healed.
I learned that as believers, we need to step out in faith for a miracle to happen. The mighty signs and wonders were what moved the Gentiles to open their hearts and take heed to the apostles’ teachings. Hence, healing must happen constantly in the local church so that non-believers would be drawn to the House of God.
Healing comes through the power of the Holy Spirit as He is the dispenser of healing (Acts 10:38). It happens through faith that links Christians to God’s power; and through meditating on God’s Word regularly (Ps 107:20).
Pastor Kong shared that the physician and surgeon’s responsibility is also a part of God’s healing ministry. God is all for doctors, healthy diets, and exercises but Christians should also put their trust in God for healing miracles. I learned that as believers, we must always seek God and His Kingdom first, no matter what situation we find ourselves in (Mt 6:33).
Lastly, health comes when the believers are nourished spiritually and psychologically through proper care of their body and mind (1 Cor 6:19). It serves as a big reminder to me never to abuse my body and mind by not giving myself proper care and rest.
“We believe in healing and good health not because we are soft and pampered, afraid to die or unwilling to go to heaven. Rather, so that we can completely fulfil the purpose of God for our life; to finish the race that He has set for us and glorify Him here on earth,” revealed Pastor Kong.
Christ Healing The Blind by El Greco (1570)
“In this lifetime, Jesus has commanded the Christians to believe for healing in His name and commissioned us to heal the sick, to cast out demons and even raise those who have died prematurely. He has never rescinded this command. He wants us never to stop having faith for healing, or meditating on His healing promises, or praying for a miracle unless God specifically instructs us otherwise,” Pastor Kong shared.
He also shared some of the hindrances to divine healing and health. One of them is unbelief in the believer’s heart which would lead him to not want to seek the power of healing. Another hindrance is habitual sinning, which can destroy a person and even lead to premature death. That is why confessing our sins before God and repenting is important preparation for healing. Besides asking for God’s forgiveness, we must also let go of offences by seeking reconciliation with the offender, if possible.
One big reason for Christians being unable to receive healing is because they don’t ask God for it! I learned that we must pray for our healing fervently and persistently, as it is His will to demonstrate His Kingdom’s power.
Another takeaway I had was to not judge those who are sick. Unlike God, we are not privy to the bigger picture and may not know what’s going on in their hearts and lives. Our job is simply to demonstrate the love of God to them by building up their faith and hope in God. We must be convinced that God is not the source or the cause of sicknesses.
And the most comforting thing to note is that in eternity, our resurrected body will be perfect, with no more illnesses and disabilities. That is the greatest news the healing series delivers!
Apart from this series, Pastor Kong also teaches on how to pray for the sick and understanding the resurrected body in the new millennium ushered in when Jesus returns, among other topics.
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