Hundreds of youth had an encounter of a lifetime during the June 2009 school holidays. Over three days from 8 to 10 June, they forged new friendships, tasted the rugged and boisterous fun of camping out with their friends, laughed vivaciously as they cheered each other on, and experienced an exhilarating sense of challenge, victory and fun in this Inspire Youth Camp.
“Faith!” was the theme of this annual WYZ Zone’s camp with the purpose of inspiring the youth, instilling boldness in their hearts and encouraging them to live their dreams. One of the highlights of the camp was the Project Runway event held on the second night. Aspiring models were given the opportunity to strut down the runway and in the midst of all the glitter and glamour, they discovered their confidence and self-identity.
PHOTOS: Gay Sen Min |
During the camp, the youth awoke early in the morning to have prayer meetings and daily devotion to start off their day, inculcating the value of dependency on God and a love for His presence. It was truly a fulfilling and electrifying camp, with spirits strengthened, souls empowered and stronger characters built.