At a special meeting at Trinity Christian Centre, John Bevere preached on “the most important biblical subject.”
Contributed By Dawn Seow
Author and preacher John Bevere shared a message that he considered “the most important biblical subject for a young person” on the afternoon of August 7. Held at Trinity Christian Centre at Paya Lebar, the meeting saw a packed auditorium gathered to hear the Word.
Anchoring his sermon on Proverb 4:7 which states: “Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom. And in all your getting, get understanding,” Bevere inspired the congregation to embrace wisdom, which he defined as “the deep understanding of people, things, events or situations, an empowering ability to choose or act to consistently produce optimum results with a minimum amount of time and energy.”
“Liken it to a sharpened axe,” said Bevere. “Wisdom helps us do things in a shorter time and with less energy.” He also taught the congregation how to get wisdom, drawing from Isaiah 33:5-6 to explain that the key to wisdom is having the fear of the Lord.
“The ‘fear of the Lord’ is not to be scared of God,” said Bevere, “but to be scared of being away from God. You will have the fear when you encounter God and come to have a true knowledge of who He is.”
One important aspect of the fear of the Lord is how it will cause a believer not to want to sin. That is because, according to Proverbs 8:13, when a person fears the Lord, he or she will hate evil. As he shared his own testimony, he urged the congregation to learn how to hate sin the way God does, while not hating the sinners.
Bevere ended the meeting by praying for everyone in the room. It was a short but power-packed meeting as the presence of God came and touched many believers who surrendered to the Lord in tears.