Joseph’s life may have been interrupted in many ways, but God continued to bless him because of how he responded to those interruptions. In last weekend’s service, Pastor Wu Yuzhuang…
Barnabas Bay
Barnabas Bay
CHC AppChurch & MissionsEditors_PickPopularPosts
Make A Radical Decision To Prioritise God: Kong Hee
By Barnabas BayPreaching from the story of the rich young ruler, Pastor Kong Hee laid down what Jesus is looking in the heart of a disciple. On the weekend of Sept 18…
CHC AppEye On SocietyFeatures
Sustaining Home-Based Enrichment Through The Grace Of God
By Barnabas BayCOVID-19 has had an impact on a number of industries. The latest wave of cases forced tuition centres and enrichment centres to take their classes offline. Four City Harvest Church…
CHC has seen six revivals throughout its 32-year history, and as Pastor Kong Hee and Pastor Sun Ho told the youth leaders at a recent meeting, they are believing for…
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The Biblical Way Of Handling Your Emotions: Aries Zulkarnain
By Barnabas BayWhat do you do when you are overwhelmed with emotions? Hide and bury them? Rant on social media? Last weekend, Pastor Aries Zulkarnain taught the church the Biblical approach to…
As the year draws nearer to an end, Aries Zulkarnain invites believers to spend this time reflecting on their relationship with God. 2020 has been a difficult year but City…
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Honor Your Earthly Father & Your Heavenly Father: Aries Zulkarnain
By Barnabas BayProverbs 23:22 reads, “Listen to your father, who gave you life…” In his Father’s Day message, Pastor Aries Zulkarnain preached on the value of honoring one’s Heavenly Father and his…
Isn’t it good to know that love is still alive in the midst of a crisis? City News spoke to some members of City Harvest Church who diligently sought ways…
City Harvest members love to meet and hang out, whether it’s for cell group meetings or to serve in ministry, or just for fellowship. If the Circuit Breaker is making…
CHC AppChurch & MissionsEditors_Pick
What The Great Exchange Means For You: Aries Zulkarnain
By Barnabas BayWhen Jesus died on the Cross, the Great Exchange happened. But what is the currency of this Great Exchange? Pastor Aries Zulkarnain explored what it means to be “saved by…
About Barnabas Bay
Barnabas is a University student, volunteering at City News as a writer. A book or some time on Netflix normally fills up his leisure time. Currently pursuing a degree in Communication, Barnabas hopes to write stories to bring a positive influence on communities reading City News.
Here are my most recent posts
2020 In Review: Redesigning Cell Group Meetings
In this second instalment of the 2020 In Review series, City News takes a look at how cell groups evolved last year to meet the challenges of the pandemic. Don’t…
In the second instalment of his message of the love of Jesus, Pastor Kong Hee elaborates on five things that love is not. “Love is patient, love is kind. It…