As City Harvest Church turns 26, co-founder Sun Ho reminisces about what it was like to help shepherd a rapidly growing congregation at the age of 18, and what drives the leadership going forward today.
“China’s Mariah Carey” Huang Qi Shan talks about the journey that led her to Christ—and to fame.
Till The End Of Time, City Harvest Chinese Church’s sixth album, is a true labour of love, says the album’s producer.
Kong Hee, senior pastor of City Harvest Church, encouraged the youths to develop their anointing within through seeking God in His secret place.
“All it takes to change the world is to win one lost person, one soul at a time,” was what the youths in City Harvest Church learned as in the first day of Emerge Weekend 2015.
Mike Connell spent a week at the School of Theology teaching the students the power of deliverance.
Last month, Zumba proved to be a universal language for the members of Jesus for All Minds (JAMs).
For the youths of City Harvest Church, the annual June school holidays is the time to gather in their various zones and districts for a time of spiritual refreshment and challenge at the Emerge Camps …
A true leader is humble, helps the poor and needy, and aims to keep the unity. This is what Dr Chan Kim Kwong taught at the Chinese Leadership and Revival Seminar in June.