For the youths of City Harvest Church, the annual June school holidays is the time to gather in their various zones and districts for a time of spiritual refreshment and challenge at the Emerge Camps …
Kong Hee, senior pastor of City Harvest Church, encouraged the youths to develop their anointing within through seeking God in His secret place.
“All it takes to change the world is to win one lost person, one soul at a time,” was what the youths in City Harvest Church learned as in the first day of Emerge Weekend 2015.
It might have been one of City Harvest Church’s most challenging years, but 2014 has also been a year of great significance for the church.
A longtime Emerge attendee chalks up the defining aspects of this year’s Emerge.
Youths of City Harvest Church found friends in the midst of a “battle”.
Emerge Bible Boot Camp 2013 gave the youths in CHC a glimpse of being in Bible school.
Emerge’s most defining event, Running Man 2013, gathers almost a thousand youth in a mega game of tag and more.
CHC’s pastors and youth leaders engage parents of the youth to forge better understanding, rapport and communication through the first of a series of Meet-the-Parents sessions.
One is never too young to preach, as four finalists of Emerge 2012’s Preaching Challenge Finals prove.
Fresh off the fire of the recent youth conference, Emerge Varsity’s inter-varsity event Race To Dawn was a smash success.
A resume and interview workshop organized by City Harvest’s Emerge committee yielded useful tips for landing that job.