Senior counsel Kannan Ramesh ended his examination-in-chief by addressing his client’s charges.
Sharon Tan explains that Chew Eng Han’s proposed process of using advance rental to redeem bonds and acquire property was approved by the CHC board.
16 September 2014 – Summary of CHC hearing.
The testimony of finance manager Sharon Tan this afternoon revealed new insight into the reason—and urgency—for the creation of the Advance Rental License Agreement (ARLA), which the prosecution has labeled “sham.”
CHC TrialChurch & Missions
City Harvest Trial: Bonds Were Redeemed To Avoid Consolidation Of Church And Xtron Accounts, Says Finance Manager
Kannan Ramesh established his client Sharon Tan’s state of mind on why CHC had to redeem the amended Xtron bonds.
CHC TrialChurch & Missions
City Harvest Trial: Sharon Tan Reveals Reason For Backdating Of Meeting Minutes
The finance manager’s reason for backdating of minutes was to solve a problem, not to deceive. The court also saw the board’s approval of a plan to buy Riverwalk through Xtron.
Church finance manager was assured of transparency and accountability of CHC management when it came to audit matters, and soundness of transactions drafted by lawyers.
财务经理陈绍云今天下午的证词使人进一步了解设立预付租金许可协议(Advanced Rental Licensed Agreement)的原因和迫切性;检方宣称ARLA为“虚假”。