Foong Daw Ching
CHC TrialChurch & Missions
City Harvest Trial: Bonds Redeemed To Solve Valuation Issue, Not To Avoid Scrutiny, Says Serina Wee
Impairment of the Xtron bonds was already in the previous year’s audit report, Serina Wee points out to the court today, refuting the prosecution’s suggestion that the accused were trying to avoid scrutiny from the auditors.
CHC TrialChurch & Missions
City Harvest Trial: Firna Bond Proceeds Used To Pay Off Shareholder’s Loan, Says Serina Wee
The lawyers involved in the bond subscription agreement knew that the Firna bond proceeds would go to repaying Wahju Hanafi for his shareholder’s loan. This was not “fictitious” as accused by the prosecution, said Serina Wee in court today.
CHC TrialChurch & Missions
City Harvest Trial: Serina Wee Did Not Believe Auditor Was Giving Improper Advice
The prosecution put to Serina Wee that Foong Daw Ching would not give “improper” advice to the accused; Wee maintained that not only did Foong advise them as such, but that she did not think the advice given was improper.
CHC TrialChurch & Missions
City Harvest Trial: Bonds Were Not Sham; Xtron Had Genuine Obligation To Repay, Says Wee
When the prosecution put to Serina Wee a “hypothetical” question that if the bonds were sham, the accused would have to meet its obligation under that sham disguise, she replied that it was precisely because there were real obligations to be met that the bonds were not sham.
CHC TrialChurch & Missions
City Harvest Trial: Cashflow Given By The Americans Showed That Xtron Could Recover Bonds, Says Former Finance Manager
Serina Wee told the court that cashflow projections from the US music producer had showed that album profits would allow Xtron to repay the bonds bought by CHC.
08 May 2015 – Summary of CHC hearing.