Foong Daw Ching
Tan Ye Peng tells the court that he is happy the church found its home, but sad that it lost an opportunity to do global missions when the Crossover Project ended abruptly.
CHC TrialChurch & Missions
City Harvest Trial: Tan Reveals Genesis Of Bonds And Property Search Challenge
Today in court, Tan provided his explanations for various events and circumstances that have been interpreted otherwise by the prosecution.
CHC pastor Tan Ye Peng took the stand with the start of his examination-in-chief today by senior counsel N Sreenivasan.
20 March 2015 – Summary of CHC hearing.
Chew Eng Han continued to rebut the prosecution’s claims that the ARLA was sham.
周英汉不接受检方企图断言预付租金许可协议(Advanced Rental Licensed Agreement)和投资特别机会基金(Special Opportunities Fund)为虚假。
City Harvest Trial: Why No Board Members Called Up As Prosecution Witnesses, Asks Chew
In his re-examination today, Chew Eng Han reiterated that the church’s board members were in full support of everything that had been done in furthering the Crossover Project.