From the world of education to the streets of Calcutta, Dr Ivan Satyavrata, the chairman of World Vision International, has followed the call of God to serve his generation. In…
Ivan Satyavrata
CHC AppChurch & MissionsEditors_Pick
Global Pentecostal Summit Finale: Voices Loud And Clear
By Theresa TanIn this final report on the recently concluded Global Pentecostal Summit at City Harvest Church, we recap the recount the last of the presentations which span the power of prayer …
CHC AppChurch & MissionsEditors_PickEvents
Global Pentecostal Summit Day 1: A Gathering Of Scholars
By Dawn SeowCity Harvest Church welcomed scholars and attendees from over 30 nations at the Global Pentecostal Summit which took place from 3 to 6 November. City News brings you the reports…