It might have been one of City Harvest Church’s most challenging years, but 2014 has also been a year of great significance for the church.
School of Theology
How a man with just “one talent” found his calling in full-time ministry as a pastor and the dean of a Bible school.
City Harvest Church’s School of Theology saw its 20th cohort—356 Bible school students—graduating from its seven-month course.
In celebration of 20 years of City Harvest Church’s School of Theology, international graduates gathered for two days of sharing and encouragement.
Prosecution in re-examination invites witness to guess intentions behind defendants’ emails. Defense objects.
Baker Tilly 审计摘要报告显示,审计师在签署审计账目之前,关于各项因素…
Baker Tilly audit summary report shows that auditors had factored in Xtron’s status as a going concern and…
Six months on, life for residents in Iloilo, stricken by Typhoon Haiyan in November 2013 is gradually returning to normalcy, following efforts by City Harvest Church.
Defense lawyer sought to show that auditors had all the relevant information for a comprehensive examination of the proper use of building fund.